Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Our Little Dusting of Snow Today..........

Temperatures dropped drastically last night, but not before I pulled out the blankets and donned the girls. Funny enough, neither one of them objected as I draped them and puttered around adjusting straps and such. And what was mud has now frozen solid and the poor girls are gingerly stepping around it all. Thankfully, no frozen crap balls stuck in their feet yet and I have a fresh delivery of hay in the barn. Those typical looks on their faces, "Well, ya big jerk, are ya going to waste time taking pictures or perhaps you'll get to dinner any time soon!". Oh, they crack me up. I am glad I put their blankets on though. I tossed around the decision whether it was cold enough or not and looked at the weather reports and pretty much timed it perfectly. I love it when a plan comes into place and so do they.

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