Thursday, October 21, 2010

More Trouble.............

Now that our young friend, Joe, has finally figured out and taken care of his thoroughbred mare, Sky's weight issue, she managed to get herself tangled in some fencing. This first picture is of her initial injury approximately 3 to 4 weeks ago. This injury is on the anterior of her right rear hock.

Joe obviously had the Vet out immediately and initial injury was concerning as she was loosing some of her joint fluid (synovial fluid). She was placed on Penicillin and I believe, a Biozide gel or cream. Daily wound care and wrapping. He did tell me what the cream was, but I forgot to write it down. this second picture is at the end of week 2.

Here we are on about week 3. More recent and close-up.

These pictures are from today. Joe says he can see a difference in her walking. My guess is that she will have a flexion and possibly and extension issue. I advised him weeks ago to get her started on Glucosamine immediately and he did. I also suggested that he hose it clean prior to the cream administration and wrap. It definitely looks better, but time will tell.

As with any injury a horse receives, it really is a matter of time. Hock injuries always scare me. Hope Sky does recover, however, not sure if it will be full, but one never knows and I think Joe did a good job of caring for Sky's injury. It doesn't look real proud fleshy, but there are lots of products out on the market for that now. So, any further advise on exercises or anything anyone would like to add to help Joe recover Sky would be greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Weigh In Of Sorts.............

Photo has nothing to do with this post, just I thought this neighboring Gypsy was gorgeous.

ON to the post of which I'm sure will bring a few arguments or controversy, just because we haven't done it in awhile, BUT is it me or have I been noticing an influx of elderly horses that for one reason or another suddenly need a new home because of the "economy". My question is this, "Why always the horse in his/her late 20's is in sudden need of a forever home?" It's something I've noticed a lot lately on the net in various places. I know this is really nothing new, but it makes me question how we value our horses. I'm sure a lot of it has to do with the economy, however, sometimes, I wonder if it's just because one cannot be bothered with the increased care and cost and time of the horse that no longer can hold it's job for that person or is it really a matter of , "OMG! I cannot afford any horse young or old right now!" What do you think?

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I'm Sorry, But This Had To Go!

It was easily the size of my hand and I have long fingers! This thing should have been paying rent! I have never in all my life seen a "house spider" that bloody big! Good grief! And I did not want it crawling over me whilst I slept! Of course as I shrieked, Stephen lay in bed paralyzed with laughter!

Friday, October 1, 2010

My Darling Wife The Big Brave Farm Girl ***NOT***

One of the photos Callie would not include because we do not have a macro camera

My brother and his wife were kind enough to give up their bedroom when we stayed with them and all was fine until a Incy Wincy Spider climbed around the ceiling at which point Callie is telling me to kill it.

I could not stop laughing so Callie wearing her PJ's Rushes down stairs shouting to Graham and Helen for help which made me laugh even more, My brother being the gentleman he is came up and killed it .

Here is my lament to the poor little thing who did us no harm

Incy wincy spider climbed up the spout
Down came the rain, and washed poor Incy out
Out came the sunshine, and dried up all the rain
And Incy wincy spider climbs up the spout again
